Stamford Corn Exchange 9/9/11

This is the shortest trip we have had to take to a theatre show, as it’s only a 15 minute drive, so we felt really refreshed whilst going through the sound checks in the late afternoon.
Stamford is a lovely, romantic old town that has never been spoilt by modern day architecture and the old theatre itself had a wonderful kind of vibe to it.
The theatre staff were very welcoming and wonderful to work with. I can’t believe what amazing work has gone in to the re-modernising of this building and the staffing of the theatre, all done by volunteers, incredible!
The audience were fantastic and behind us from the start of the show.
It was great to see many audience members coming up to the front and really enjoying themselves. There were quite a few familiar faces from Peterborough giving their support which we really appreciated, as well as the many new faces we were pleased to welcome.
As some of you will know, we have been finishing our encore numbers with Rebel Rebel and this was one occasion where I felt the audience lifted the roof.
We certainly look forward to returning there again in the future. Stamford rocks!
Paul x