Bits and pieces


I am still  reading the incredible book by Kevin Cann “The London Years”. This for me is the most informative book I have ever read on David Bowie and I have read many including some really good ones. Guess I must be a slow reader but there is so much detailed information in it. Kevin worked incredibly hard with his research to add all the in depth detail in this amazing book. This is a must for any Bowie fan.


Recently I attended the first Bowie convention in many years at Bedford Esquires. Lovely to meet up again with old friends, many that I have not seen for years. Though I was not billed as a performer I was asked if I would make a guest appearance on a song, which of course I could not refuse. The event was a real blast,  enjoyable and some good artists performed there. I have been informed that this will be repeated on a much bigger scale at some point in the near future so I will keep you updated.


Great news to see that 40 years on, there is now a plaque commemorating the release of Ziggy Stardust. The plaque that now has it's place above number 23 Heddon Street is exactly the same spot where David was photographed for the iconic Ziggy Stardust album sleeve. The street seems hardly recognisable from the famous photo shot by Brian Ward in 1972. The road that once was there is now all paved and bustling with cafes and bars. I remember visiting Heddon street way back in 1982 when there had hardly been any changes. I was pleased to see that Woody Woodmansey and Trevor Bolder were there for the unveiling and interviewed afterwards. For me it should been Woody and Trevor that unveiled the plaque. Although the area has vastly been improved I will miss the way it was when I first saw it – nostalgia! well that's a good enough reason for me.
