
  • July 2016 Bits and pieces

    So much has happened since I last posted here, so now it’s well overdue for a catch up. I was asked to go to Bahrain in April to play a festival there as a solo act. This was a great experience for me not having been there before. The stage was huge with two massive…

    Read more: July 2016 Bits and pieces
  • March 2016

      There was no chance that we were going to put on any shows in January out of respect, we were not jumping on the band wagon and taking advantage of the sad loss of David. I personally would not have been capable of performing those songs so shortly after David’s passing, as you all know I have followed David since…

    Read more: March 2016
  • March 2016 Bits and pieces

      There was no chance that we were going to put on any shows in January out of respect, we were not jumping on the band wagon and taking advantage of the sad loss of David. I personally would not have been capable of performing those songs so shortly after David’s passing, as you all know I have followed David since…

    Read more: March 2016 Bits and pieces